Heather Rae Tietz, ASLA


As a recent graduate of the Master of Landscape Architecture program at the University of Oregon, Heather is passionate about exploring ways to enhance ecology in the urban environment and design with equity. Leveraging insight generated during her Master’s Project of designing biointegrated substrates with mosses through 3D printing and experiment, she is interested in expanding on research through design methodologies to address environmental issues. With a background working in ceramics and at art museums, she believes that interdisciplinary work that engages the community, utilizes emerging technology and data, and aims to generate performative and hyperfunctional environments will expand and benefit the boundaries of landscape architecture.

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Aaron Lee Woolverton, ASLA


With a background in Architecture and recent graduate from the University of Oregon’s Landscape Architecture Program, Aaron finds an interest in how the built environment may intersect ecologically mindful systems. Within the realm of landscape architecture, he finds an interest in understanding complex biophysical dynamics through computational modeling and sensing the environment. He believes that form finding and architectural experiences may be guiding by the insight of revealing complex truths yielded by the patterns and energies which surround our environments.

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